

Cell is an organizational unit.
It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO).
Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation, budget sovereignty) but no direct rights and obligations towards the state.

Cells are created when an employee wants to set one up and finds internal support.

A cell typically has one main location, which gives it its name. However, several cells can use the same location. (see also Location)

Types of cells
Active: A cell CEO (member of the BOD) manages the cell with its employees at one or more locations. The cell can sell, agree and provide services. The cell has at least one location of its own and communicates its services and identity. The cell is successful in its dealings with employees, customers and suppliers. The cell is legally independent (e.g. GmbH) or is legally attached to another cell as a branch, but operates independently (e.g. customer service, billing, etc.).
This is the target status of a cell.

In planning: Someone has an idea or the size limit of 25 FTEs has been reached. He/she wants to set up a cell or knows that someone has the potential to set up a cell. We don't need to worry too much about this status, as it only affects the people involved. This "cell" is not communicated.

Question mark: The financial performance (development) of a cell is questionable or the CEO is not willing or able to continue the cell without a suitable successor.

Closed: There used to be a cell. But it has not developed. There is no longer a need for communication. The cell has been wound up.
Person who works for a cell of foryouandyourcustomers. Be it internally as an employee or as an external casual or contract employee. Colaborator Person who works for a cell of foryouandyourcustomers. Be it internally as an employee or as an external casual or contract employee. employed Cell supervised An external business entity that purchases, has purchased or is likely to purchase services or goods from foryouandyourcustomers. Komax Geberit Agravis Customer An external business entity that purchases, has purchased or is likely to purchase services or goods from foryouandyourcustomers. Komax Geberit Agravis uses A site is a physical location (office premises) regularly operated or used by employees. Locations are typically the defined work locations of employees. Usually the main location of the cell (which Baar (BA) Stuttgart (ST) Regensburg (RG) Location A site is a physical location (office premises) regularly operated or used by employees. Locations are typically the defined work locations of employees. Usually the main location of the cell (which Baar (BA) Stuttgart (ST) Regensburg (RG) grouped in Organizational view of a foryouandyourcustomers company Company Organizational view of a foryouandyourcustomers company conducted by A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs Cell CEO A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs


Synonyms Superentities Subentities Roles Classification Zoom levels Publ.Status on diagram(s) updated
foryouandyourcustomers Organisation 0 - 4 published Organisation-Overview toz, 2020-04-08 11:34:10 UTC

Own attributes

Name Domain Type Mandatory attribute Key descriptor translated repeated historicized encrypted
Name None ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Status Zellenstatus LOV ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cell abbreviation None ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Baar (BA)
Stammhaus (SH)
Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH)
Stuttgart (ST)
Feldkirch (FK)
Wien (WI)
Name Attribute(e) relationship(s)
Person who works for a cell of foryouandyourcustomers. Be it internally as an employee or as an external casual or contract employee. Colaborator Person who works for a cell of foryouandyourcustomers. Be it internally as an employee or as an external casual or contract employee. employed Cell supervised An external business entity that purchases, has purchased or is likely to purchase services or goods from foryouandyourcustomers. Komax Geberit Agravis Customer An external business entity that purchases, has purchased or is likely to purchase services or goods from foryouandyourcustomers. Komax Geberit Agravis uses A site is a physical location (office premises) regularly operated or used by employees. Locations are typically the defined work locations of employees. Usually the main location of the cell (which Baar (BA) Stuttgart (ST) Regensburg (RG) Location A site is a physical location (office premises) regularly operated or used by employees. Locations are typically the defined work locations of employees. Usually the main location of the cell (which Baar (BA) Stuttgart (ST) Regensburg (RG) grouped in Organizational view of a foryouandyourcustomers company Company Organizational view of a foryouandyourcustomers company conducted by A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs Cell CEO A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs

Own relations

Name Entity-1 Relationship Entity-2 Arc Key Business Rules
Relation_303 Customer -> supervised by 1..N ? ?
? 0..N <- supervised Cell
Relation_164 Location -> is used by 0..N ? ?
? 0..N <- uses Cell
Relation_326 Cell -> grouped in 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- groups Company
Relation_43 Cell CEO -> manages 1..N ? ?
? 1..N <- conducted by Cell
Relation_20 Colaborator -> assigned to 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- employed Cell
Element de
Name Zelle
Description Zelle ist eine Organisationseinheit. Ist eine Gruppe von max. 32 Menschen (25 FTEs), die zusammenarbeitet und von einer Person (Zellen-CEO) geführt wird. Jede Zelle hat ihre eigene Identität (Zweck, Arbeitsgebiete, Teambildung, Budgethoheit,) aber direkt keine Rechte und Pflichten dem Staat gegenüber. Zellen entstehen, wenn ein/e Mitarbeitende/r eine gründen möchte und intern Unterstützung findet. Coordination Eine Zelle hat typischerweise einen Hauptstandort, der ihr den Namen gibt. Es können aber mehrere Zellen den selben Standort verwenden. (siehe auch Entität Standort) Typen von Zellen Aktiv: Ein Zellen-CEO (Mitglied des BOD) leitet die Zelle mit seinen Mitarbeitenden an einem oder mehreren Standorten. Die Zelle kann Leistungen verkaufen, vereinbaren und erbringen. Die Zelle hat mindestens einen eigenen Standort und kommuniziert ihre Leistungen und Identität. Die Zelle ist erfolgreich im Umgang mit den Mitarbeitenden, Kunden und Lieferanten. Dis Zelle ist juristisch eigenständig (z.B. GmbH) oder ist juristisch einer anderen Zelle als Zweigstelle angehängt, agiert aber eigenständig (z.B. Kundenbetreuung, Verrechnung, etc.). Dies ist der Soll-Zustand einer Zelle. In Planung: Irgendjemand hat eine Idee oder die Grössenlimite von 25 FTE ist erreicht. Er / sie will eine Zelle gründen oder weiss, dass jemand das Potenzial dazu hat, eine Zelle zu gründen. Über diesen Status brauchen wir uns keine grossen Gedanken zu machen, denn es betrifft nur die diesbezüglich agierenden Personen. Diese "Zelle" wird nicht kommuniziert. Fragezeichen: Die finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit (Entwicklung) einer Zelle ist fraglich oder der CEO ist nicht bereit oder in der Lage, die Zelle ohne einen geeignete*n Nachfolger*in weiterzuführen. Geschlossen: Es gab mal eine Zelle. Aber es hat sich nicht entwickelt. Es gibt kein Kommunikationsbedürfnis mehr. Die Zelle ist abgewickelt.
Examples Baar (BA)
Stammhaus (SH)
Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH)
Stuttgart (ST)
Feldkirch (FK)
Wien (WI)