

A site is a physical location (office premises) regularly operated or used by employees.
Locations are typically the defined work locations of employees.

Usually the main location of the cell (which gave the cell its name). I
n addition: A cell can employ staff who are not based at the primary location. The cell rents another location for these employees. The location does not operate independently, but is an integral part of the cell. On the one hand, in order to be perceived on the market, and on the other hand, in order to possibly develop this location into an independent cell.

Locations can be operated by several cells (e.g. Frankfurt Börsenplatz and Hauptwache).
Zurich Stadelhofen is a location that is used by several cells, it does not serve as the main location for any cell.
Location is legally responsible fo legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. foryouandyourcustomers Company legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. is used by Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) Cell Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) is in Country according to ISO-3166 Country Country according to ISO-3166


Synonyms Superentities Subentities Roles Classification Zoom levels Publ.Status on diagram(s) updated
Zivilisation 0 - 4 published Organisation-Overview axnm, 2021-06-04 11:26:20 UTC

Own attributes

Name Domain Type Mandatory attribute Key descriptor translated repeated historicized encrypted
Designation None ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Shortname None ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Status None ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Baar (BA)
Stuttgart (ST)
Regensburg (RG)
Saarbrücken ()
Athens (AT)
Zurich Stadelhofen (ZS)
Zurich Zwinglistrasse (ZU)
Frankfurt (FF)
Name Attribute(e) relationship(s)
Location is legally responsible fo legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. foryouandyourcustomers Company legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. is used by Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) Cell Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) is in Country according to ISO-3166 Country Country according to ISO-3166

Own relations

Name Entity-1 Relationship Entity-2 Arc Key Business Rules
Relation_165 Location -> is legally responsible for 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- is legally responsible for foryouandyourcustomers Company
Relation_164 Location -> is used by 0..N ? ?
? 0..N <- uses Cell
Relation_298 Location -> is in 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- contains Country
Element de
Name Standort
Description Ein Standort ist ein physischer Standort (Büroräumlichkeiten) regelmässig betrieben oder genutzt von Mitarbeitenden. Standorte sind typischerweise die definierten Arbeitsorte der Mitarbeitenden. In der Regel ist ein Standort Hauptstandort einer Zelle (der der Zelle den Namen gab). Darüber hinaus: Eine Zelle kann Mitarbeiter beschäftigen, die ihren Lebensmittelpunkt nicht am Hauptstandort haben. Für diese Mitarbeiter mietet die Zelle einen anderen Standort an. Der Standort agiert nicht unabhängig, sondern ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Zelle. Zum einen, um auf dem Markt wahrgenommen zu werden, zum anderen, um diesen Standort möglicherweise zu einer eigenständigen Zelle zu entwickeln. Standorte können von mehreren Zellen betrieben werden (z.B. Frankfurt Börsenplatz und Hauptwache). Zürich Stadelhofen ist ein Standort, der von mehreren Zellen genutzt wird, der aber keiner Zelle als Hauptstandort dient.
Examples Baar (BA)
Stuttgart (ST)
Regensburg (RG)
Saarbrücken ()
Athen (AT)
Zürich Stadelhofen (ZS)
Zürich Zwinglistrasse (ZU)
Frankfurt (FF)