

An external business entity that purchases, has purchased or is likely to purchase services or goods from foryouandyourcustomers.
Customer Person or customer receiveinga result of our actions. Result recipient Person or customer receiveinga result of our actions. contractually bound to legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. foryouandyourcustomers Company legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. supervised by Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) Cell Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH)


Synonyms Superentities Subentities Roles Classification Zoom levels Publ.Status on diagram(s) updated
Result recipient Verkauf / Beratung 0 - 2 published Who-Why-How-Overview toz, 2020-05-27 13:13:07 UTC

Own attributes

Name Domain Type Mandatory attribute Key descriptor translated repeated historicized encrypted
Bosch PT
Name Attribute(e) relationship(s)
Customer Person or customer receiveinga result of our actions. Result recipient Person or customer receiveinga result of our actions. contractually bound to legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. foryouandyourcustomers Company legally registered company belonging to the foryouandyourcustomers group. It complies with local legal and financial obligations. It is authorized by law to conclude contracts (with customers, supplie foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. foryouandyourcustomers Pty Ltd foryouandyourcustomers Sofia Ltd. supervised by Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH) Cell Cell is an organizational unit. It is a group of max. 32 people (25 FTEs) who work together and are led by one person (cell CEO). Each cell has its own identity (purpose, areas of work, team formation Baar (BA) Stammhaus (SH) Frankfurt Hauptwache (FH)

Own relations

Name Entity-1 Relationship Entity-2 Arc Key Business Rules
Relation_308 Customer -> contractually bound to 0..N ? ?
? 0..N <- contractually bound to foryouandyourcustomers Company
Relation_303 Customer -> supervised by 1..N ? ?
? 0..N <- supervised Cell
System Tables
Mite Projects (R) , Customers (R)
Element de
Name Kunde
Description Eine externe geschäftsfähige Einheit, welche von foryouandyourcustomers Leistungen oder Waren bezieht, bezogen hat oder wahrscheinlich beziehen wird.
Examples Komax
Bosch PT