
Board of Directors (BoD)

Body that jointly manages the cell group. Organizational board of the cell group.
It usually meets weekly on Monday mornings.
All cell CEOs belong to it.
Managing Director of foryouandyourcustomers Baar AG The CEOG (TQMI role name) has the essential task of integrally managing the group, the BoD and the individual cell CEOS. Chief Executive Officer Group Managing Director of foryouandyourcustomers Baar AG The CEOG (TQMI role name) has the essential task of integrally managing the group, the BoD and the individual cell CEOS. lead by Organizational unit: Entirety of all cells. There is currently only 1 cell group that comprises all cells. This group discusses and decides on issues that affect all cells. Group Organizational unit: Entirety of all cells. There is currently only 1 cell group that comprises all cells. This group discusses and decides on issues that affect all cells. leads integrally Values that foryouandyourcustomers defines as the basis for the company's actions surprisingly simple well thought out relational foryouandyourcustomers basic value Values that foryouandyourcustomers defines as the basis for the company's actions surprisingly simple well thought out relational specifies A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs Cell CEO A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs consists of Board of Directors (BoD)


Synonyms Superentities Subentities Roles Classification Zoom levels Publ.Status on diagram(s) updated
foryouandyourcustomers Organisation 0 - 4 published Organisation-Overview toz, 2020-05-19 14:50:32 UTC

Own attributes

Name Domain Type Mandatory attribute Key descriptor translated repeated historicized encrypted
Name Attribute(e) relationship(s)
Managing Director of foryouandyourcustomers Baar AG The CEOG (TQMI role name) has the essential task of integrally managing the group, the BoD and the individual cell CEOS. Chief Executive Officer Group Managing Director of foryouandyourcustomers Baar AG The CEOG (TQMI role name) has the essential task of integrally managing the group, the BoD and the individual cell CEOS. lead by Organizational unit: Entirety of all cells. There is currently only 1 cell group that comprises all cells. This group discusses and decides on issues that affect all cells. Group Organizational unit: Entirety of all cells. There is currently only 1 cell group that comprises all cells. This group discusses and decides on issues that affect all cells. leads integrally Values that foryouandyourcustomers defines as the basis for the company's actions surprisingly simple well thought out relational foryouandyourcustomers basic value Values that foryouandyourcustomers defines as the basis for the company's actions surprisingly simple well thought out relational specifies A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs Cell CEO A cell manager is appointed by the Group CEO. He or she manages a cell and all employees assigned to this cell. Each cell CEO is also an authorized signatory for the company to which the cell belongs consists of Board of Directors (BoD)

Own relations

Name Entity-1 Relationship Entity-2 Arc Key Business Rules
Relation_266 Board of Directors (BoD) -> consists of 1..N ? ?
? 1 <- is in Cell CEO
Relation_287 foryouandyourcustomers basic value -> specified by 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- specifies Board of Directors (BoD)
Relation_265 Group -> integrally managed by 1 ? ?
? 1 <- leads integrally Board of Directors (BoD)
Relation_307 Chief Executive Officer Group -> leads 1 ? ?
? 1 <- lead by Board of Directors (BoD)
Type Reference Document link
Document TQMI-Role-BOD https://foryouandyourcustomers.com
Element de
Name Board of Directors (BoD)
Description Gremium das gemeinsam die Zellengruppe führt. Organisatorischer Vorstand der Zellengruppe. Es tagt in der Regel wöchentlich am Montag Morgen. Ihm gehören alle Zellen CEO's an.