

Performing an action/activity, dealing with something.
Making a decision.
To display behaviour, to act, not to act
that which results from an action and has been changed in the environment. Labour contract instance Table is moved 3 metres Customer journey revised Result that which results from an action and has been changed in the environment. Labour contract instance Table is moved 3 metres Customer journey revised leads to Activities for which the company compensates me Conduct a workshop Process a ticket Conclude a contract paid doing Activities for which the company compensates me Conduct a workshop Process a ticket Conclude a contract Doing *Private activities for which the company does not compensate me Going to the cinema Cooking for guests unpaid doing *Private activities for which the company does not compensate me Going to the cinema Cooking for guests determined by A person's attitude towards a matter or person Inner mental attitude that characterises someone's thoughts and actions. Open to new things Against foreigners All new things are bad Attitude A person's attitude towards a matter or person Inner mental attitude that characterises someone's thoughts and actions. Open to new things Against foreigners All new things are bad carried out by A person who works with us or has something to do with us in some capacity. Is the YOU part of foryouandyourcustomers. It is important to us that people are encouraged and accepted as mature beings. Human being A person who works with us or has something to do with us in some capacity. Is the YOU part of foryouandyourcustomers. It is important to us that people are encouraged and accepted as mature beings.


Synonyms Superentities Subentities Roles Classification Zoom levels Publ.Status on diagram(s) updated
unpaid doing , paid doing Mitwelt 0 - 4 published Who-Why-How-Base , Who-Why-How-Overview xsxb, 2022-09-29 12:31:25 UTC

Own attributes

Name Domain Type Mandatory attribute Key descriptor translated repeated historicized encrypted
conduct a workshop
process a ticket
conclude a contract
go to the cinema
Name Attribute(e) relationship(s)
that which results from an action and has been changed in the environment. Labour contract instance Table is moved 3 metres Customer journey revised Result that which results from an action and has been changed in the environment. Labour contract instance Table is moved 3 metres Customer journey revised leads to Activities for which the company compensates me Conduct a workshop Process a ticket Conclude a contract paid doing Activities for which the company compensates me Conduct a workshop Process a ticket Conclude a contract Doing *Private activities for which the company does not compensate me Going to the cinema Cooking for guests unpaid doing *Private activities for which the company does not compensate me Going to the cinema Cooking for guests determined by A person's attitude towards a matter or person Inner mental attitude that characterises someone's thoughts and actions. Open to new things Against foreigners All new things are bad Attitude A person's attitude towards a matter or person Inner mental attitude that characterises someone's thoughts and actions. Open to new things Against foreigners All new things are bad carried out by A person who works with us or has something to do with us in some capacity. Is the YOU part of foryouandyourcustomers. It is important to us that people are encouraged and accepted as mature beings. Human being A person who works with us or has something to do with us in some capacity. Is the YOU part of foryouandyourcustomers. It is important to us that people are encouraged and accepted as mature beings.

Own relations

Name Entity-1 Relationship Entity-2 Arc Key Business Rules
Relation_271 Attitude -> determined 1..N ? ?
? 0..N <- determined by Doing
Relation_273 Doing -> carried out by 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- carries out Human being
Relation_272 Result -> results from 1 ? ?
? 0..N <- leads to Doing
Element de
Name Tun
Description Handlung/Aktivität durchführen, Beschäftigung mit Etwas. Entscheid fällen. Verhalten an den Tag legen, handeln, nicht-handeln
Examples einen Workshop durchführen
ein Ticket bearbeiten
einen Vertrag abschliessen
ins Kino gehen